1.She gave the shield to him . She said he would be successful with the sword and the shield and become a great hero . Then she went away .
2.How to be successful in related persification is often an unavoidable issue facing private enterprises.
3.To be successful in the long run, we have to take a far broader approach that emphasizes political, social and economic forces.
4.My teacher told me to concentrate on my lessons. He said I would not be successful if I went through life being a clockwatcher.
5.Don't expect to be successful right away. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know.
6.As long as you would be successful, women can be found everywhere, like the wickers behind our house.
7.But for you to be successful with your quest you have to show him that you have dealt with the reason that lead to the break up.
8.For a seed to be successful, the embryo must be inactive until after it has separated from its parent.
9.For customers who are deemed "save-worthy" , it's essential for the company to know which save tactics are most likely to be successful.
10.A second answer is that many authors who claim a new approach to a hot topic seem to be successful at publishing their books.